Tudor Black Press

About The Press
SIRET No. 97795226600012
The Tudor Black Press.

The Tudor Black Press is also known as the Imprimerie Tudor Noir in France and was founded in England in 2005
​The Tudor Black Press is the private press of Hugh Macfarlane. It is housed in an old stone barn at a former farm situated in rural France.
The main pieces of printing are produced on an 1833 Barrett Albion press. Smaller ephemeral pieces are printed using a Cropper treadle press.
The aims of the press are: To produce high quality hand printed items related to the History of Printing, the Private Press and associated arts, also Poetry, Literature and History.
The press holds a number of proprietary faces and a number of rare faces, borders and ornaments from the Blackfriars Type Foundry.
The press takes its name from the typeface Tudor Black. This face was used in an advertisement by one of my ancestors.
Work from the press can been viewed at the Bodleian Library and the University of Tours.
Matrix 36
John Randle about the Tudor Black Press
"He prints beautifully, on an Albion."
The Barrett Albion
of 1833